Hayden and I had been sitting pretty for a month with the place, the date, and everything that was included in Villa St. Clair. Then Monday I got a call that due to permit problems with the city of Austin, Villa St. Clair will no longer be able to host our wedding! What? I cried all day Monday and wondered what in the world are we going to do 5 months before we had originally planned to get married. The first thing my dad said when I found out this news was to call a lady from church who owns a wedding venue called The Plantation House. So after leaving a weepy cry voice message on her answering machine, she called me back to say that by some crazy coincidence they had our same date open! At this point, Hayden and I are not willing to take any more risks with this wedding and fully trust that it is going to be beautiful and taken care of by a great family. So we have another place decided and it is magically going to be on the same date! After thinking for a month that the big day was going to be on june 14 I got kinda attached to it. We are going to have to rearrange our budget but I feel totally secure that everything is going to work out! So now we have to make all those decisions about food, flowers, photos, the whole package. The best part is I love being engaged. It is such a fun and special time for Hayden and I (even though my crying about the wedding stuff count is now up to 4). We have have felt so much love and support from family and friends and God continues to provide his guidance and assurance. I just can't wait for this summer. We also just rented a three story town home. I am grateful that everyone went immediately into damage control mode and now things are falling back into place. This is the place that it is all going to happen!

Please pray for us as we continue to go through this process!
i am kinda sad that the date is still set for june 14th. jk. but seriously...
the plantation is absolutely beautiful! you are going to make a stunning bride.
hi there,
i'm so glad it worked out. i can only imagine all the emotions that were flying through your sweet bride-to-be head! it was fun to see you last weekend... get ready for our super siggie sing song night soon.
I was also booked for Villa St Clair and she didn't even call us, we got an email last night. When did she call you?
I came across your blog in doing a search on Villa St. Clair. I am scheduled to have my wedding there in the fall. She told me she was booked solid beginning in May when I met with her in February...well after your wedding and Yvette's had been cancelled...something fishy is going on with these people. I'm glad that the plantation house worked out for you though!
I stumbled across your blog while doing a search for Villa St. Clair (much like the commenter above). I was trying to find out if it's been completed yet...we were scheduled to have our wedding there at the end of May. Luckily, we didn't feel comfortable with the construction situation and chose to have it elsewhere. I'm glad you all were able to find an alternative as well. And although this is a bit late, congratulations to y'all!
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