to me the most important part of the movie going experience is watching the trailers. a brief insight of movies to come. if i could have a dream job, it would be making these trailers. if they are really good, i usually will look them up again and watch them online. one of the most memorable and one i still go back and watch sometimes is the teaser trailer for Garden State. i get really mad if people say, "we can make it, we just might miss the previews". there is no missing the previews with me or there is no movie. it is one of my weird things.
on to a more relevant topic...hayden and i have taken up the task of registering for gifts. it is an ongoing process of updating, changing, adding, deleting, and comparing. all of the registry guides have tons of recommendations that seems so excessive to me so i thought i would ask for some sage registering advice from the blogging community that may glance my way.
- what were the best things you registered for?
- do i really need 12 of every kind of table setting?
- will people think we are snobs or totally rude for registering for a couch? (we don't expect anyone to buy it, we just thought we could use the discount and some gift cards later to purchase it after the wedding. it is like it was made for hayden...)
if anyone would like to share some info with us, we would appreciate it!
p.s. special thanks to all of those who left such sweet comments about our engagement photos!
today marks exactly 2 months until the wedding!
i have never used all 12 place settings at the same time, but i am sure that one day when i get more sophisticated and have a family holiday at our place- it will happen! the thing to remember is that you will have your china/pottery/table settings for years and years! even if you don't use it in the next 5 years, there might come a day when you need it! and now, people are willing to buy it for you!
one of our fav things we registered for was a hammock. we didn't get it- but i still remembered that we registered for it and really wanted it!
go ahead and register for the couch! ya never know....some rich relative might come out of the woodworks!
we also really love our: tv trays, cutting boards, 2 cup electric chopper, electric griddle, and our knives. it seems like we use those all the time!
The best thing we registered for were our Calphalon stainless steel pots and pans. I cook quite a bit and it is nice knowing that they aren't going to fall apart anytime soon. It's also really nice that they can go in the dishwasher. Blake would say the best thing we registered for was our knives. Henkels are great.
I actually use my full 12 place settings all the time. Blake doesn't like paper cups or plates so we get a lot of use out of our dishes. We have a "small group" of 14 and I usually wish I had a couple more sets. *By the way, Blake does the dishes so I don't mind using them.
Register for the couch. Why not? :-) Can't wait until June!!
I think the best thing we registered for was probably our dishes. I only registered for 8 piece sets and you see how often we eat on either paper plates or plastic plates. It is just hard to keep all the dishes clean all the time. I don't think people will think you are snobs. People love to give gift cards, they are super easy and then you don't feel so bad when all that is left on the registry is one fork and a paper towel holder. I know I am not in your blogging group but I am just getting into this blogging thing and I knew you had a blog. I added you to my favorite blogs.
i too say register for the couch. nothing to lose!
and i love all our good quality pots and pans we registered for.
Hey girl, (this is Kelli Hooper from ACU)
I love reading your blog! You should definitely register for the couch! Our most-used items so far have been our Calphalon pots and pans (amazing). I would also recommend registering for at least one really good knife if you spend much time cooking.
I am so excited for you! Have a great week!
We registered for a lot of kitchen stuff in all different price ranges and it is nice to cook something and know you have the tools for it. I would say register for anything you like, just make sure you have some things cheap and some things expensive and everything in between. Your hostess's at your showers and close family and friends will splurge and get you the good stuff!!
And yes, do the couch. You never know!
I have no insight on registry, obviously. But, I am totally with you on the preview thing. That is what going to the movies is all about.
I LOVED THE TRAILeR...I found out alot about the movie that I didn't want to know yet after I talked to a friend, oh well!! I can't wait...I registered for 12 place settings, and you want to know how many I got in all????? 29!! Is that normal...yes I returned all but 12 but it's the easiest thing for people to buy for some reason!! So keep the couch and use that AWESOME left over gift card money!!! That is truley the best part about being married!! jk
Hey Jen,
Your cousin Raf from Vegas here. Cool blog you have here! Congrats on your wedding. I wanted to find out some info on your blog. What is your email? Mine is I am trying to get ideas for my blog. I am getting married on November 1st. Looking forward to hearing from you. BTW, can't wait to see the movie Sex and the City. India and I registered with Bed, Bath and Beyond. ttyl. Raf
I agree with Laura...use the settings to take back and get stuff you want/need:)
I also agree with everyone who said pots, pans and knives. Those are necessities and things you will need no matter what.
We do use our 12 everyday dishes because, like Blake, Austin likes real dishes. We also LOVE LOVE LOVE our glasses. Weird, I know.
I would go ahead and register for the couch, too. You never know...and it is supposed to be a wishlist!
I agree with registering for pots pans, place settings...we use it all the time! Kitchen stuff, I believe is the most imortant thing to register for because you use it the most! I do anyways!
I have yet to see the Sex and the City trailor, but i absolutely love movie trailors, too! I remember seeing The Notebook trailor and instantly becoming overly excited! So excited that we saw the movie on our honeymoon of all places. Anyways, great post and good luck with registering!
i don't know why i spelled trailor with an 'o'...idiot.
I still love the pottery everyday dishes we registered for, but I have this china that sits in our china cabinet and has been used maybe once in our 5 years of marriage. So I wish instead of getting china I had gotten another set of everyday dishes...maybe bright Fiesta ware in every color. I think I would use that more. Registering is so much fun, and people don't have to buy it just because it's on your list, so when in doubt, scan it!
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