Wednesday, November 19, 2008


this date may mean nothing to you. it may just be any other sunday.

i've never been the type of girl with a list. you know the list. your top things you must do so you can feel like you have really lived. lived your dreams, done the unexpected, had experiences that most people wouldn't dare. but even without a list, there is one thing for me that would be list worthy.

the impending album will 3 days. 

had i been over 12 when this band was on top in the late 80s and early 90s i have no doubt that i would have done anything to see them live. alas, i have a second chance. CHINESE DEMOCRACY will be their new tour in 2009. hayden and i agreed that even if we have to fly somewhere, we will see them perform. i will tear holes in our jeans, wear some kind of leather and a red bandanna, and we will be there to see it all happen. it is part of the young and fun motto that we strive to live by.

the only regret will be not seeing slash, as the band could not reconcile their differences and he has moved on to other things. maybe next on the list will be seeing him perform live. 

this may be the first album i actually purchase since i learned how to download.

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